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Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills, CA

Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills by Dr. Patrick Davis

Refine Your Nose for Your Best Look

The nose is one of the most prominent facial features and a primary contributor to your overall facial harmony. The ideal nose is the one that gives way to the eyes above it rather than visually overpowering them. When the size, symmetry, or shape of your nose detract from the surrounding features, rhinoplasty can enhance your facial harmony for a beautifully proportioned, natural look. Rhinoplasty refines your nose’s contours to enhance its appearance and improve airflow, offering substantial improvements to your quality of life.

Plastic surgeon and face specialist Dr. Patrick Davis takes an individualized approach to provide his Beverly Hills rhinoplasty patients with results to suit their unique look and lifestyle. Through traditional rhinoplasty, revision surgery, and non-surgical methods, Dr. Davis applies his extensive skill and understanding of facial anatomy to deliver seamlessly exquisite results. He has extensive training as a Head and Neck (Ear, Nose, and Throat) surgeon which makes him uniquely qualified to balance both the aesthetic and functional (breathing) aspects of your nose.

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What is Rhinoplasty?

Adjust Your Nose’s Contours to Create Your Ideal Aesthetic

Rhinoplasty adjusts the size and shape of the nose to improve facial proportions and correct imperfections that impact its appearance, function, or both. It is a longstanding favorite cosmetic procedure among men and women of all ages.

Though rhinoplasty is a common procedure, its success is dependent on the skill and knowledge of the surgeon who performs it. The nose is a vitally important part of the body, so any adjustments made to it must be carefully planned and meticulously executed.

Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Patrick Davis specializes in facial procedures, such as rhinoplasty. In addition to his exceptional understanding of facial structures, Dr. Davis offers an extraordinarily thorough consultation process to ensure that every detail of your rhinoplasty lends itself to the desired outcome. Patient noses are morphed during the consultation and patients will leave the office confident that both surgeon and patient are on the same page.

Beverly Hills rhinoplasty model with brown hair

What are the benefits of Rhinoplasty?

Tailor-Made Treatment Designed Uniquely to You

Rhinoplasty is a highly customizable procedure, offering a variety of techniques to achieve a broad range of objectives. As such, it requires the utmost thorough planning process. To ensure every aspect of your treatment is suited to your needs, Dr. Davis will take pictures at the time of consultation and morph those images with the patient present to create the ideal nose unique to the patient’s face. Procedures include Rhinoplasty (i.e. nose job), Revision Rhinoplasty, and Liquid Rhinoplasty (i.e. filler).

Depending on your desired treatment outcome, your rhinoplasty can be designed to:

  • Reshape the nostrils
  • Enhance facial harmony
  • Correct a deviated septum
  • Repair damage due to trauma
  • Reduce the bridge of the nose
  • Reduce or reshape the nasal tip
  • Improve function for better airflow
  • Improve your overall facial appearance

Ultimately, you can look forward to enhanced self-confidence and overall wellness, with a nose that functions optimally and seamlessly complements the surrounding features.

Am I a good candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Determining The Best Treatment for You

You are likely a candidate for rhinoplasty if you have concerns about the appearance or function of your nose. In many cases, rhinoplasty can address both types of concerns at the same time. You should not smoke and be in good overall health, with no underlying health conditions that could negatively impact your body’s ability to recover. For all cosmetic surgical procedures, you should have realistic expectations for your results and be committed to following all necessary instructions to promote healing and allow for the best outcome.

Your Rhinoplasty Procedure

What to Expect

The specifics of your procedure will depend heavily on the details of your unique treatment plan. Your rhinoplasty with Dr. Davis may be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia.

The location of your incisions will also depend on the purpose of your procedure. While some rhinoplasty procedures can be performed without any external incisions, others may require an incision at the bottom of your nose, between your nostrils.

During your rhinoplasty Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Davis, will use this incision to reshape the bone and cartilage of your nose to refine an oversized hump at the bridge of your nose, straighten your septum, correct asymmetry, or reshape the tip of your nose. In most cases, Dr. Davis is able to use skin and tissue within the nose to make the necessary adjustments. However, in some cases, he may need to harvest cartilage or bone from other areas of your body. Once he has sculpted your nose to suit your treatment goals and the unique aesthetic quality of your face, he will close your incisions and apply internal splints and an external dressing before preparing you for your at-home recovery.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

After Your Procedure

During your recovery, you should expect significant swelling and bruising, as well as bleeding and drainage. You will need to keep your head elevated to manage swelling.

Dr. Davis will prescribe you pain medication to help manage discomfort while your nose heals. You will need to wear an external splint for one week. You will need to avoid strenuous activities as well as any situations in which your nose could be bumped. Your nose will be extremely susceptible to damage until it is healed, so you will need to take extra care to protect it.
Dr. Davis will advise you on when it is safe to return to work and other activities. While you will have a good idea of your final outcome within a couple of months after your procedure, it will take as long as a year for all swelling to subside and your full results to be apparent.

Rhinoplasty Results

Beautifully Enhanced Facial Harmony

Rhinoplasty results are permanent, so you can look forward to enhanced facial harmony that will last for the rest of your life. For this reason, it is especially important that you select an experienced surgeon who takes the time to thoroughly assess your concerns and understand your treatment goals.

Schedule your Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty consultation with Patrick Davis, MD, today

Personalized Treatment by Face Specialist Dr. Patrick Davis

Patients interested in rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills can receive the highest level of attentive care and treatment outcome with Dr. Patrick Davis. If you are interested in achieving your best look with a personalized rhinoplasty procedure, please contact Patrick Davis, MD, to schedule your consultation.

Beverly Hills rhinoplasty model with blonde hair


While some aspects of your nose’s appearance are subjective, there are certain guidelines that can ensure your nose is beautifully and naturally proportioned to your face’s other features. During your consultation, you and Dr. Davis will discuss your aesthetic preferences as well as anatomical cues to design your uniquely perfect nose.

The short answer is no, the nose ages as well. There is no age limit for rhinoplasty. However, risks inevitably increase with age. Dr. Davis will thoroughly assess your medical condition and history to ensure that your procedure is as safe as possible.

Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, can be performed using two main techniques: open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. In open rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision on the the tissue between the nostrils in addition to incisions inside the nose. This approach provides a better view of the nasal structures, allowing for more precise adjustments. On the other hand, closed rhinoplasty involves making all incisions inside the nose, leaving no external scars. The choice between these techniques depends on factors such as the complexity of the procedure and the desired outcome, which will be determined during your consultation with your surgeon.

Rhinoplasty, like any surgery, carries risks such as infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. There is also a risk of asymmetry or breathing difficulties, although these are uncommon in the hands of a skilled surgeon. It's important to discuss these risks with your surgeon and follow their post-operative instructions carefully to minimize them.

Schedule a Consultation

Every moment is an opportunity to grow, learn, and improve. Your new best emerges when you make the most of those opportunities. When it comes to Beverly Hills facial plastic surgery, Dr. Patrick Davis believes listening is better than selling. To him, the best plastic surgeons reveal themselves in the surgeries they prevent as well as the ones they perform. Before you choose to undergo plastic surgery, please reach out to Patrick Davis, MD, for a consultation, he truly wants to help you find your new best.

9440 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite #708, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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