Beverly Hills
A One-and-Done Lip Treatment
Second only to the eyes, the lips are central to facial beauty. With age, the youthful volume in the lips gradually depletes, and the upper lip begins to lengthen. This can cause the upper lip to curl inward, decreasing the visible portion of pink lip tissue and causing the face to appear older.
While dermal fillers can increase volume in the lips, they require repeated maintenance and do not address lengthening in the upper lip. Artfully lifting and balancing the upper lip will restore its fullness and accentuate an all too often hidden lower lip. A Lip Lift can be performed in the clinic. A lip lift is a minor surgical procedure that effectively shortens the length of the upper lip to expose more of the pink tissue (or vermilion) and reduce signs of aging. Results are considered permanent, so you will not have to worry about ongoing treatment. Schedule your consultation with plastic surgeon, Dr. Patrick Davis to discuss how a lip lift in Beverly Hills can help you achieve your long-term cosmetic goals.
A lip lift removes a small strip of tissue from the upper lip to shorten and lift it, enhancing the visible pink portion of the upper lip and, where desired, improving the shape of the lip. A lip lift helps to expose a small portion of the front teeth, creating a more youthful and attractive appearance. A lip lift is an in-office procedure that requires only local anesthesia and involves minimal downtime, making it a solution to a thin or aging upper lip that is as practical as it is effective.
A lip lift is a customizable procedure that can be designed to address multiple concerns with the appearance of the upper lip. Benefits of a lip lift may include:
A lip lift is an excellent treatment option for patients who have noticed volume depletion or lengthening in their upper lip as well as younger patients who would like to enhance the appearance of their smile or pout. A lip lift may be part of an overall facial rejuvenation procedure or included in a feminization or masculinization treatment plan. A lip lift is an ideal solution for patients seeking a long-lasting solution to signs of aging related to their upper lip without the use of synthetic fillers. You should be generally healthy and not smoke, with sufficient upper lip tissue to allow for excess skin removal. As with all surgical procedures, you should have a clear understanding of the procedure and realistic expectations for your results.
There are several types of incisions that may be used in a lip lift. The most common is a subnasal “bullhorn” incision. As the name suggests, this incision is placed just below the nose, taking a bullhorn shape as it traces along the underside of the nostrils.
Here, a strip of skin is removed to effectively shorten and lift the upper lip and eliminate sagging in the corners of the mouth. Other types of incisions include:
During your consultation for a lip lift Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Davis, will assess your goals, concerns, and needs to suggest a lip lift technique that will provide you with the best outcome.
While recovery after lip lift surgery is relatively minimal, there are some things you will need to be conscious of in order to achieve the best results. Our Beverly Hills lip lift patients will need to rest for the first 24 hours and avoid exercise for one to two weeks while your lip heals. You will need to stick to soft foods for the first couple of days and sleep on your back with your head elevated. You will need to take extra care to brush your teeth gently and avoid opening your mouth too wide. You will also need to keep your mouth clean and your lips moisturized with Vaseline or Carmex.
Your full results will appear as soon as your lip is healed, at which point you will be ready to enjoy a permanently more attractive pout. No maintenance. No fillers. No stress.
If you are interested in a lip lift in Beverly Hills with face specialist Dr. Patrick Davis, please contact us to book your consultation. Patrick Davis, MD, serves patients from throughout the greater Los Angeles area.
Indefinitely. Your lip lift will deliver a permanently younger-looking upper lip and a more attractive smile.
As the incision is typically placed along the base of the nose, there is potential for change to the appearance of the nose. You can minimize the risk of impacting your nose’s natural appearance by seeking treatment from a skilled and experienced Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Patrick Davis.
According to, a lip lift boasts an impressive 92-percent “worth it” rating.
Every moment is an opportunity to grow, learn, and improve. Your new best emerges when you make the most of those opportunities. When it comes to Beverly Hills facial plastic surgery, Dr. Patrick Davis believes listening is better than selling. To him, the best plastic surgeons reveal themselves in the surgeries they prevent as well as the ones they perform. Before you choose to undergo plastic surgery, please reach out to Patrick Davis, MD, for a consultation, he truly wants to help you find your new best.
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(424) 284-3164
Mon–Fri: 9am - 5pm
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