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Neck Lift Beverly Hills, CA

Neck Lift In Beverly Hills by Dr. Patrick Davis

Rejuvenate Your Neck & Jawline for Stunningly Youthful Contours

Lax skin and excess fat in the neck and beneath the chin can add substantial visual weight below the face and contribute to the overall appearance of age. When diet, exercise, and non-surgical methods don’t deliver the definition you want, a surgical neck lift can help you achieve a look you will love.

Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon and face specialist Dr. Patrick Davis offers a variety of procedures designed to effectively rejuvenate the neck and lower face. Dr. Davis takes an empathetic, patient-focused approach to every treatment he performs.

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What is a Neck Lift?

A Personalized Treatment for Results That are Authentically You

A neck lift (or lower rhytidectomy) is a surgical rejuvenation treatment that restores or enhances youthful definition by removing or skin and sculpting underlying tissues. The neck may become full and develop strong bands from the muscle (i.e., platysma) below as we age. Surgically lifting the neck is an impactful way to restore a youthful appearance.

Dr. Davis specifically addresses all layers of the neck (skin, superficial fat, neck muscle, and ) and sculpts each neck element based on the unique anatomy of each patient. Every neck is different, and each should be treated differently. Dr. Davis offers a variety of procedures for his Beverly Hills neck lift patients to ensure that each treatment is optimally designed to treat your specific concerns. Procedures include: chin liposuction, Tri-Vector Deep Plane Facelift, and Deep Plane Facelift.

Beverly Hills neck lift model with blonde hair

What are the benefits of a Neck Lift?

Sculpt, Smooth, & Define

A neck lift is a highly customizable procedure that shapes contours to enhance definition and reduce or eliminate signs of aging. Benefits of a neck lift include:

  • Improves confidence
  • Eliminates lax, excess skin
  • Smooths lines and wrinkles
  • Produces a younger, slimmer appearance
  • Minimal recovery compared to other surgical procedures
  • Achieves results that cannot be reached with diet and exercise

Am I a good candidate for a Neck Lift?

Determining the Best Treatment for You

If you lack youthful definition in your neck and along your jawline and chin, a neck lift may be an excellent choice to help you achieve your best look . For any surgical procedure, you should be healthy enough to undergo surgery safely, with no underlying conditions that could lead to serious complications or impair your body’s ability to heal. You should not smoke or be willing to quit several weeks before your procedure.

Your Neck Lift Procedure

What to Expect

The details of your neck lift procedure will depend on your personal treatment plan. In most cases, a neck lift can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation. If you have excess fat beneath your chin but no excess skin that needs to be removed, submental liposuction may be all you need to reach your desired results.

Submental liposuction involves removing excess fat using a small cannula via very small incisions. As the body does not reproduce fat cells, the fat removed via liposuction will not return. Corset platysmaplasty tightens the muscles in the neck to make it appear narrower and more youthful, with no horizontal banding on the neck.

During your procedure for neck lift Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Davis, will suture together the neck muscles to produce firm, smooth contours. An extended deep plane rhytidectomy (or facelift) addresses signs of aging throughout the neck and face to produce seamlessly youthful and comprehensive results. This technique not only tightens the skin but addresses underlying muscles and tissues to produce the most natural-looking rejuvenation. Once Dr. Davis has effectively sculpted your neck according to your goals and treatment plan, he will close your incisions (which is a short incision hidden underneath the chin)and prepare you for your at-home recovery. You will need to make arrangements for someone close to you to drive you home after surgery.

Neck Lift Recovery

After Your Procedure

The details and duration of your recovery will largely depend on the specific techniques Dr. Davis uses to rejuvenate your neck and other features.

However, it is common with all neck lift procedures to experience swelling, bruising, and a tight feeling in your neck after your procedure. Dr. Davis will prescribe pain medication to alleviate any discomfort, and keeping your head elevated can help to reduce swelling and promote healing.
Dr. Davis will provide you with detailed instructions regarding caring for your incisions and when you will be able to return to work and other activities. In general, you should expect between one to two weeks of social downtime following submental liposuction or longer with more involved procedures.

Neck Lift Results

Rejuvenation that Lasts for Years Into the Future

Neck lift results are long-lasting, with many patients remaining satisfied with the youthful appearance of their neck for a decade or longer. Patients who undergo neck lift surgery in their 40s tend to achieve the longest-lasting results.

Schedule your Beverly Hills Neck Lift consultation with Patrick Davis, MD, today

Authentically Youthful Contours with Face Specialist Dr. Patrick Davis

If you would like to address signs of aging, schedule your consultation for a neck lift in Beverly Hills with Dr. Patrick Davis to discuss your options for a neck lift. Los Angeles-area patients can achieve impeccably youthful and authentic results with face specialist Patrick Davis, MD.

Beverly Hills neck lift model with black hair


A neck lift offers the most substantial results of any rejuvenating treatment for that area of the body. When performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, results look entirely natural and can last for 10 or 15 years before a touch-up treatment may be desired. Most neck lift patients are extremely satisfied with their results.

Most Beverly Hills neck lift patients experience long lasting results. It is not uncommon for results to last a decade or longer. Patients who undergo this procedure while they still have good skin elasticity tend to achieve the longest-lasting results, though a neck lift can also produce beautifully youthful contours in older patients as well.

Due to anesthesia and sedation, your procedure will be completely comfortable. Most patients experience minor swelling and discomfort for up to two weeks after surgery, though these conditions are typically easily manageable.

Schedule a Consultation

Every moment is an opportunity to grow, learn, and improve. Your new best emerges when you make the most of those opportunities. When it comes to Beverly Hills facial plastic surgery, Dr. Patrick Davis believes listening is better than selling. To him, the best plastic surgeons reveal themselves in the surgeries they prevent as well as the ones they perform. Before you choose to undergo plastic surgery, please reach out to Patrick Davis, MD, for a consultation, he truly wants to help you find your new best.

9440 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite #708, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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